2023-24 “5 Minutes” Interviews with Artists by MFA Candidates
5 Minutes Featured Artists– Alfredo Jaar, Aurora Tang, B. Wurtz, Dionne Lee, Gracelee Lawrence, Jesse Harrod, Julian Watts, Kahlil Robert Irving, Leslie Jones, Motomichi Nakamura, Robert Trafford, Sandy Rodriguez, Tallmadge Doyle
Issue Editor- Jens Petterson
Interviewers- Afsaneh Javadpour, Christian Alvarado, Ellen O’Shea, Harper Loeb, Kate Montgomery, Michelle Fieser, Parisa Garazhian, Tatymn Snider, Yalda Eskandari
Design & Typography- FISK
Printing- Brown Printing, Inc.
Executive Editors- Wendy Heldmann, Center for Art Research Project Manager; Christopher Michlig, Department of Art Professor, Clark Honors College Faculty-in-Residence
Published by the Department of Art and Center for Art Research, University of Oregon