2019-20 “5 Minutes” Interviews with Artists by MFA Candidates

“5 Minutes” Featured Artists- Julia Haft-Candell, Nicholas Muellner, Danny Orendorff, Jacob Riddle, Theo Triantafyllidis, Angela Washko, Julie Rodrigues Widholm, Namita Gupta Wiggers

Issue Editor- Nathan Alexander Ward

MFA Interviewers- Eden Evans, Erin Langley, Emily Lawhead, Ian Sherlock Molloy, Hannah Petkau, Tannon Reckling, Caroline Turner, Nathan Alexander Ward

Design and Typography- FISK

Executive Editors- Wendy Heldmann, School of Art + Design Program Manager; Christopher Michlig, Associate Professor

Special Thanks- Brian Gillis, Center for Art Research Director, Professor; Amanda Wojick, Department of Art Head, Swindells Chair, Professor

Published by the Center for Art Research, University of Oregon